Year: 2024
What is a Minnesota custody evaluation?
When parents who share children break up or divorce, they usually need to share custody. In all but the most unusual cases, both parents have parental rights and responsibilities. Parents either establish their own custody arrangements or rely on the courts for...
Do women have the upper hand in custody disputes?
A lot of misinformation abounds about divorce and custody issues. Many parents begin legal proceedings with unrealistic expectations. Some mothers assume that they should automatically receive sole custody, while many fathers presume that they cannot obtain even...
Is legal or physical custody more important for divorcing parents?
When parents divorce, they have to settle family matters in addition to addressing financial issues. Parents often focus more on the division of parental rights and responsibilities than they do on property division matters when they divorce. Preserving their...
How does Minnesota define drug-impaired driving?
Drivers get arrested for impairment at the wheel every day in Minnesota. The vast majority of them face charges related to alcohol intoxication. Therefore, most Minnesota motorists already know the general rules that apply to drunk driving cases. They know about the...
How couples can divide retirement accounts during divorce
Many people recognize that divorce could lead to financial instability. The divorce process itself can be expensive, and people have to arrange to divide their resources with a spouse. People considering divorce often worry about whether the end of a marriage might...
Why should you establish accounts in your name during divorce?
Divorce can be one of the most challenging periods in a person's life. It inspires a host of emotional, legal and financial complexities. In Minnesota, as in many other jurisdictions, the division of assets plays a critical role in the divorce process. If your...